April 6, 2018 Malmstrom family spotlight Family support is key for Airmen resiliency. Malmstrom family spotlight is a feature published about unique and diverse family members of U.S. Air Force active-duty members assigned here. This spotlight features Renee Hickman, Ranches at Belt Creek executive chef who supports her family with her
March 2, 2018 Airman’s Attic takes care of Airmen, families Located in Building 4000 near the Child Development Center, the Airman’s Attic is a one-stop shop for free clothes, furniture and children toys for Airmen and their families.The building has sections split off to showcase their selections of military clothing to include service dress, utility
Feb. 15, 2018 STEM careers, education and recruiting on the rise Today's Air Force recognizes there is a critical need for science, technology, engineering and math specialists to lead the Air Force in future technology and innovation efforts. The U.S. Air Force mission – to fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace – requires the greatest minds the nation
Jan. 30, 2018 Keeping the base armed, ready A single shop at Malmstrom Air Force Base, made up of nine people, is responsible for every bullet, grenade and explosive on the base, totaling more than four million individual items. That shop is Ammo. They order, inspect, maintain and keep accountability of every round.Senior Airman Issac
Dec. 14, 2017 Tactical response force enhances weapon skills The 341st Security Support Squadron tactical response force at Malmstrom is responsible for preventing and denying the capture of the base’s nuclear assets that are scattered throughout its 13,800 square-mile missile complex.TRF Airmen take on positions as assaulters, breachers or nuclear advanced
Nov. 8, 2017 Airman brings age, experience to Malmstrom The Air Force raised the maximum age for enlisted members from 27 to 39 years old in mid-2014, allowing one Airman serving in the 341st Logistics Readiness Squadron to bring 39 years of experience to Malmstrom.Airman 1st Class Mark Martinez, 341st LRS vehicle operator, is responsible for maintaining
March 22, 2017 Mental health strengthens whole Airman concept Located toward the back of the 341st Medical Group clinic is a discreet, private office with blinds hanging from the door’s window for patient comfortability and privacy. This location is mental health and the Airmen there are ready to assist individuals with finding the help they need.Senior Airman
March 9, 2017 Power production maintains alert operations Malmstrom Airmen are responsible for 150 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles spread across a 13,800 square mile missile complex scattered throughout Montana.To ensure all 150 missiles are on 24-hour alert, Airmen from the power production shop must maintain emergency generators to
Dec. 22, 2016 COMSEC, maintaining accountability and control Managing communications security can be critical to maintaining safe, secure and effective operations.COMSEC management can be comprised of several tasks including maintaining accountability of classified materials and administering training to missileers on the proper handling of sensitive
Dec. 6, 2016 Airman upholds honor guard tradition Most people can’t imagine having to present a folded American flag to a grieving family member as a symbol of appreciation on behalf of the president of the United States, the U.S. Air Force and a grateful nation when a service member or veteran passes.Few Airmen will ever experience consoling a