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The 341st Missile Wing operates Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, which provide the critical component of America's on-alert strategic forces throughout a 13,800 square-mile missile complex. As such, Malmstrom's Airmen are stewards of the environment. We perform our duties following the legal requirements while preventing pollution and continually improving our environmental programs. We are committed to protecting the environment. This page was designed to share important environmental policies and practices to ensure the public remains informed on the steps Malmstrom takes in preserving the land the base is on.

Environmental Management

At Malmstrom Air Force Base, protecting the environment is one of our highest priorities and will be a factor in decision-making while fulfilling our mission. We are dedicated to the continual improvement of our processes to prevent and reduce waste generation and are committed to compliance with environmental laws and other requirements while reducing pollution at the source of generation. We will use an Environmental Management System approach for establishing and reviewing environmental objectives and targets. In all our activities we will seek to:

 Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural and manmade materials.

 Prevent environmental pollution and waste. 

 Environmental information into all levels of management to ensure environmental compliance.

 Achieve continual improvement in environmental performance and maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations.

 Work in partnership with all stakeholders to promote good stewardship with base personnel, contractors, the community and regulatory agencies.

This policy will be made available upon request to the public. The point of contact for this program is Tony Lucas at (406) 731-7794.


Storm Water

Malmstrom Air Force Base is permitted by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality to discharge storm water under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System general permit. In conjunction with that permit, Malmstrom has set forth goals and objectives in the Storm Water Management Plan. Both documents can be found under the 'Documents' section on this page.

• What can I do to reduce pollution? All the water that goes into the street and into the drain eventually ends up in the Missouri River. The important thing to know is that there are many avenues humans can affect the storm water quality we discharge. For more information, please refer to the Resident's Guide to Storm Water in the 'Documents' section of this page.

• What if I see a spill or pollution? If you see or suspect pollution entering a base storm drain, please contact the Civil Engineer Environmental at (406) 731-6155 or for immediate assistance, contact the Fire Department at (406) 731-3199.

• What requirements must I follow for construction projects? For construction projects that disturb more than one acre of land, a construction storm water permit is required from DEQ. If the project is greater than 5,000 square feet, the project must restore or maintain predevelopment hydrology, per the Energy Independence and Security Act section 438. For more information, please contact CE Environmental at (406) 731-6155.

Malmstrom Stormwater Program