Dec. 15, 2020 In support of the Chaplain Corps mission: Airman 1st Class Sara Boucher An extremely small town - Blairsville, Georgia was Airman 1st Class Sara Boucher’s home for 27 years before joining the Air Force.
Dec. 9, 2020 Sustaining the mission everyday: The Elkhorn Dining Facility While many Airmen enjoyed Thanksgiving at home with their families, those manning the Malmstrom Elkhorn Dining Facility ensured that those living on base were sufficiently fed.
Dec. 8, 2020 Early morning coffee in a Montana valley Building and maintaining partnerships with the Central Montana community is fundamental to the mission success of Malmstrom Air Force Base. Occasionally these partnerships require the base coming to support the community, but other times, it is our neighbors in the community who lend the base a
Nov. 13, 2020 Meet SSgt Kymyenna Mitchell From East St. Louis, Illinois, one of Malmstrom’s newest non-commissioned officers, Staff Sgt. Kymyenna Mitchell, 341st Medical Group NCO in charge of commander support staff, joined the Air Force to continue pursuing her education, which is one of her top priorities. As the NCOIC of commander
Nov. 18, 2019 Malmstrom’s man of many hats Throughout Malmstrom’s 13,800 square-mile missile complex, Airmen navigate through small towns and gravel roads everyday to accomplish Air Force Global Strike Command’s mission of providing long range, precision strike capabilities.Whether it’s a defender, missile alert facility manager or a
Nov. 13, 2019 Maintaining Malmstrom’s launch control centers Everyday, missileers from Malmstrom sit below ground in a control center, ready to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile if called upon by the president. With an array of analog technology, routine maintenance is vital to sustaining lethality.The 341st Missile Maintenance Squadron survivable
Nov. 1, 2019 Bringing home cooking to the missile complex Across Malmstrom’s 13,800 square-mile missile complex, hundreds of Airmen head to missile alert facilities and launch facilities every week to ensure the continued success of the wing’s mission.While being away from home for days at a time, missile chefs provide missile field Airmen with a
Oct. 11, 2019 Defending MAFB’s vast missile complex From Albuquerque, New Mexico, Airman 1st Class Sierra Lamas, 841st Missile Security Forces Squadron defender, serves in one of the Air Force’s most unique positions: missile security forces.
Oct. 9, 2019 Kindness Rocks: MDG spreads kindness in unusual ways Compliments, digging out a car buried in snow and paying for someone’s meal all have one thing in common: a random act of kindness to positively influence someone else or simply make their day better.
Aug. 29, 2019 Attention to detail on, off duty From inspecting repairs to working on cars, one Malmstrom civil engineer has an eye for detail on-and-off duty.