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  • Malmstrom’s new command chief

    The 341st Missile Wing welcomed a new command chief in November 2019.Chief Master Sgt. Ronald Harper, 341st MW command chief, joined Malmstrom after having served across several different bases and major commands in his 26 years of military service.

  • Malmstrom leadership hosts quarterly Spouses’ Town Hall

    Leadership placed a suggestion box for families who had ideas to improve the base’s operations Jan. 27, 2020, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. Every quarter, base leadership host a town hall for spouses to voice concerns or suggestions. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Tristan Truesdell)

  • Malmstrom weather is ‘snow’ joke

    The 341st Operational Support Squadron weather flight is responsible for analyzing weather conditions, preparing forecasts, issuing weather warnings and briefing weather information for Malmstrom operations and its 13,800 square-mile missile complex.

  • 20th AF, AFGSC visits MAFB Airmen, tour upcoming facilities

    Maj. Gen. Fred Stoss, 20th Air Force commander; Brig. Gen. Andrew Gebara, Air Force Global Strike Command strategic plans, programs and requirements director; and 341st Missile Wing leadership tour the new Tactical Response Force building Jan. 13, 2020, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. During

  • ‘Tis the season of giving (trees)

    As the days get darker and colder, bright lights of infinite colors populate the night to create the festive atmosphere that is December.

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