Dec. 14, 2017 Tactical response force enhances weapon skills The 341st Security Support Squadron tactical response force at Malmstrom is responsible for preventing and denying the capture of the base’s nuclear assets that are scattered throughout its 13,800 square-mile missile complex.TRF Airmen take on positions as assaulters, breachers or nuclear advanced
March 16, 2017 Electrical shop conserves base energy Multiple job taskers fill a white erase board hanging on a wall in an office at the electrical shop. More than 15 white magnets with black letters describe the job and its current status as the Airmen prepare for the day ahead of them.Every morning starts with a meeting. A meeting designating who
March 10, 2017 Emergency management keeps base prepared In times of crises, the base has standards and procedures to respond to an immediate emergency. To assist in preparing the base, the 341st Civil Engineer Squadron’s readiness and emergency management flight provides training and maintains communication with other agencies on base to ensure Malmstrom
March 9, 2017 Power production maintains alert operations Malmstrom Airmen are responsible for 150 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles spread across a 13,800 square mile missile complex scattered throughout Montana.To ensure all 150 missiles are on 24-hour alert, Airmen from the power production shop must maintain emergency generators to
Jan. 19, 2017 Maintenance Airmen ensure mission success In a back shop about the size of a master bedroom, Airmen from the missile maintenance team inspect and sort tools for the upcoming shift of maintainers ready to deploy to the missile field.To ensure mission success, Airmen in the MMT tool room provide 100 percent accountability for more than 1,000