April 8, 2021 Preparing the next generation of missile maintainers Missile maintenance instructors are at the forefront of the United States Global Strike Command operations, ensuring personnel are capable in their duties servicing the most powerful weapon system in the world: the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.
Dec. 18, 2020 First sergeants give back through Operation Warm Heart While the holidays are here and Airmen take a break to celebrate the end of the year, first sergeants across the wing are out and about raising money for Airmen and their families through Operation Warm Heart.
Dec. 7, 2020 Executing the mission through COVID-19: Public Health Part 1 COVID-19 has had serious impacts all across the world. Whether requiring changes in processes and interactions, or temporarily cutting them all together, the Airmen at Malmstrom Air Force Base have learned to remain fluid in order to execute the wing’s global mission.
Nov. 12, 2020 Veterans continuing to serve Veterans Day is a holiday observed each year to honor military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Veterans Day also overlaps with Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are days celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I.
Jan. 21, 2020 ‘This is the way’: MAFB Defender gives back Most people think of security forces to be a black-and-white, cut-and-dry career field, but one 341st Security Forces Support Squadron defender shows he can get creative, too. Since his childhood, Tech. Sgt. Sean Neri, 341st SSPTS vehicle readiness center NCO-in charge, has been captivated with the
Nov. 1, 2019 Bringing home cooking to the missile complex Across Malmstrom’s 13,800 square-mile missile complex, hundreds of Airmen head to missile alert facilities and launch facilities every week to ensure the continued success of the wing’s mission.While being away from home for days at a time, missile chefs provide missile field Airmen with a
Oct. 9, 2019 Kindness Rocks: MDG spreads kindness in unusual ways Compliments, digging out a car buried in snow and paying for someone’s meal all have one thing in common: a random act of kindness to positively influence someone else or simply make their day better.
Aug. 29, 2019 Attention to detail on, off duty From inspecting repairs to working on cars, one Malmstrom civil engineer has an eye for detail on-and-off duty.
Aug. 12, 2019 National Immunization Awareness Month Each month of the year has its own special observances. August has National Immunization Awareness to highlight the importance of vaccinations.
July 23, 2019 Outbound Assignments tackle Code 50 The month of June marks the beginning of summer, but it also marks permanent change of station season for Airmen due to move.