Jan. 22, 2025 AFGSC announces MCCS Virtual Town Hall to discuss latest Epidemiology Review results AFGSC will hold a public virtual Town Hall Jan. 30 to discuss the latest results from the Missile Community Cancer Study, during which medical professionals from USAFSAM will present the findings of Phase 1C of the ongoing Epidemiological Review.
Aug. 16, 2024 Sentinel: The History of the DAF Modernizing the Backbone of America’s National Security The U.S. Air Force is replacing the 54-year-old LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM weapon system with the LGM-35A Sentinel ICBM. Upgrading to Sentinel ICBMs ensures the land-based leg of America's Nuclear Triad remains safe, secure & effective.
Aug. 1, 2024 AFGSC leverages Total Force and local community partnerships to maintain competitive edge As AFGSC works to maintain its competitive edge in national defense, partnerships with community businesses and universities are critical parts of its innovation process.
May 31, 2024 AFGSC Announces First Fully Public MCCS Virtual Town Hall Scheduled for June 6, 2024 AFGSC announced today they plan to host a virtual town hall June 6, 2024, at 10:30 am CST through Zoom regarding the ongoing Missile Community Cancer Study. The VTH will be the first time AFGSC has opened a VTH livestream to the public.
May 20, 2024 AFGSC Issues PCB Memo for Health Care Providers AFGSC published a memorandum signed by commander Gen Bussiere documenting the presence of PCBs at missile facilities based on an environmental survey by USAFSAM, acknowledging PCBs likely also present at decommissioned Peacekeeper and Titan missile facilities operated by many now-separated, retired
April 22, 2024 Air Force Global Strike Command: Vandenberg SFB Environmental Sampling Complete The Missile Community Cancer Study’s (MCCS) environmental sampling at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, found no instances of contamination above regulatory action levels, Air Force Global Strike Command reported today.
Dec. 8, 2022 Bussiere assumes command of Air Force Global Strike Command Gen. Thomas Bussiere assumed command of Air Force Global Strike Command during a ceremony Dec. 7, becoming the newest leader of the organization responsible for the nation's only intercontinental ballistic missile and strategic bomber forces.
Sept. 13, 2022 STRATCOM SEL immerses into missile field ops U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Howard Kreamer, senior enlisted leader of U.S. Strategic Command, exits a launch control capsule at Charlie missile alert facility Sept. 8, 2022, near Great Falls, Mont. USSTRATCOM is one of 11 Unified Commands under the Department of Defense and is responsible for the
July 28, 2016 Malmstrom Commissary receives nationwide recognition The Defense Commissary Agency awarded the Malmstrom Commissary the Bill Nichols Award for Best Large Commissary in the United States.“There is a cohesiveness, a professionalism and a level of caring here I haven’t seen at many other commissaries,” said Gerard Contreras, the Malmstrom Commissary
July 27, 2016 What’s the buzz? Earlier this month, Malmstrom Air Force Base encountered a wildlife phenomenon, and through perseverance and understanding, handled what could have been a sticky situation in the most natural way possible.Airmen utilized quick thinking and humane treatment to save the lives of approximately 25,000