Jan. 27, 2023 Air Force MWDs conduct winter training Staff Sgt. Kalib Murthy, 341st Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, leads MWD Ffarah, through a practice window during training at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont., Jan. 24, 2023. The 341st SFS K-9 obedience yard was upgraded in 2022, adding new concrete obstacles and a lighting
Aug. 17, 2022 SFS prepares for K-9 arrival, upgrades kennels The 341st Security Forces Squadron military working dog kennels are undergoing renovations to improve the living areas for the dogs while increasing training opportunities and security of the compound.
Sept. 17, 2021 K-9s undergo water aggression training Staff Sgt. Ryan Van Dyke, 341st Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, agitates K-9 Paul during water aggression bitework training Sept. 7, 2021, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. The K-9 teams used the base pool to showcase and improve how their partners would react when placed in
March 13, 2019 Team Malmstrom gains a future K-9 veteran Military working dogs and handlers support defense posture by providing a psychological deterrent and increased security, as well as serving local communities in aid requests, such as bomb detections and drug inspections.The 341st Security Forces Squadron MWD unit was assigned a new female K-9,