Oct. 6, 2020 Meet SrA Jesse Nava Senior Airman Jesse Nava, 341st Missile Maintenance Squadron missile handling technician, talks about why he joined the United States Air Force, why his job is important, and how the Air Force has given him great opportunities and responsibilities.
March 2, 2017 Indoor soccer arrives at Malmstrom The voices of Airmen have been heard by leadership, and they are bringing indoor soccer to Malmstrom.The fitness center is hosting indoor soccer every Friday 5-7 p.m. at the basketball courts. An additional day will be added if there is enough participation. When the weather clears up, soccer will
July 28, 2016 Malmstrom Commissary receives nationwide recognition The Defense Commissary Agency awarded the Malmstrom Commissary the Bill Nichols Award for Best Large Commissary in the United States.“There is a cohesiveness, a professionalism and a level of caring here I haven’t seen at many other commissaries,” said Gerard Contreras, the Malmstrom Commissary
July 27, 2016 What’s the buzz? Earlier this month, Malmstrom Air Force Base encountered a wildlife phenomenon, and through perseverance and understanding, handled what could have been a sticky situation in the most natural way possible.Airmen utilized quick thinking and humane treatment to save the lives of approximately 25,000