Serving through the season: Luis Charfarous

  • Published
  • By Valerie Mullett
  • 341st Space Wing Public Affairs Office
"We all have to make sacrifices, especially when you are a shift worker. Eventually, your turn will come to work on the holidays." 

Luis Charfarous, a boiler worker at the Malmstrom heat plant, is not upset he will be working on Christmas Day; he understands it is part of his duties. He also knows it won't ruin his day, as when he gets off his shift, he will head home to celebrate with his family. 

Family includes his wife of 36 years, Rosie, and five of his six children. All but one live in Great Falls and all but one are grown and out of the house. 

"I will tell you, though, we are not going to have turkey again," Mr. Charfarous said. "We had so many leftovers from Thanksgiving, we ate turkey for four days." 

Instead, he said his wife decided on having ham and "what mama says goes." 

Mr. Charfarous and his wife are both natives of Guam. They relocated to Great Falls and Malmstrom Air Force Base eight years ago because the base Mr. Charfarous was working at was privatized. 

"I was hired under the priority placement program, and this is where we call home now," he said. 

In his off-duty time, he likes to enjoy what Montana has to offer "when the weather permits," especially hunting. 

Mr. Charfarous is a Vietnam Veteran, having served four years in the Army; he also has 30 years of civil service time to his credit. That is a lot of exposure to military members, active-duty and retired alike. 

At this time of year, he focuses not on special holiday memories made through the years with his family - which are all very near to his heart. He first reflects on the other veterans he served with in hopes they are having a happy holiday as well.