Messages of Hope Published Sept. 5, 2006 By Chaplain (Capt.) Shawn Bishop 341st Space Wing Chapel MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- Hope is something important -- something special. Sometimes I see it abundantly in people I meet. Sometimes it is sparse. But I know it exists and it is available. Tonight, I write from a missile alert facility. As I visited with folks here, I began to see and hear things that were hopeful and attitudes that were conducive to community. This night has been a blessing. A facility manager shared about a personal philosophy of making the best of whatever situations come in life. I saw a flight security controller helping a new senior airman who transferred to the 341st Missile Security Forces Squadron from the 741st MSFS learn the FSC job. I saw a staff sergeant both help his team and teach them. The chef made a family-style spaghetti dinner for a big crew including a periodic maintenance team -- she served us as we ate together, a common meal at the same time. It was a symbolic contrast to individual meal orders. One Airman made sure another had a seat at the table and moved chairs around to make it happen. I talked with two security escort team guards at a picnic table outside as the sun began to set. I listened to two young Airmen speak of teamwork, unit cohesion, proactive actions they took and their efforts to support some flight-mates going through some challenges. This night everyone had a kind word or positive contribution, and I've been glad to be here. Tonight I've seen hopeful things. I'm reminded that God gives hope and hope can (and should) be found in our community experiences. Remember the people you care about. Remember to point out hope to them and also let them point it out to you.