Holiday successes and a new year of promise Published Dec. 16, 2010 By Lt. Gen. Frank Klotz Air Force Global Strike Command commander BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- The year 2010 witnessed many successes for Air Force Global Strike Command. As the first full year of the Air Force's newest major command comes to a close, the new year awaits with the promise of even more opportunities and challenges ahead. You, the men and women of Air Force Global Strike Command, support a vitally important and enduring mission each and every day -- always vigilant, always ready. It's no exaggeration to say that whether they know it or not, billions of people across the world can enjoy a peaceful holiday season because you are there to deter potential adversaries and to assure our friends and allies, thereby contributing stability to a turbulent and uncertain world. Over this past year, it seems every day has presented a challenge, every week another event. As we look back, we see an impressive list of accomplishments. We have been able to sharpen the focus on the nuclear and global strike missions. From infrastructure improvements, to flying operations, to convoy security, to an appreciation for our proud heritage, we have established a command dedicated to giving you the guidance and the resources you need to do your jobs. You have responded magnificently. Your tireless efforts, skill and dedication have allowed us to reinvigorate and strengthen the nuclear enterprise. I know that the hard work you put in often takes up your free time, evenings and weekends. So try to find the time to celebrate the holidays with your friends, coworkers and families. I know that in my quiet moments I will reflect on how each and every one of you has enabled the Command's success. You have shown that if you are given what you need to do your jobs--the training, the tools and the technical orders--you make it happen. The holidays are a time of giving, and of giving thanks. In this Command we are fortunate to be a part of the most superb and caring local communities one can imagine, and we are thankful for them. The holidays are also a time of nostalgia for the year that ends and excitement for the possibilities of the year that begins. Along with that excitement, let's resolve to remain safe, secure and effective, as a Command and as individuals. During the holidays, we must also re-double our daily efforts to be good wingmen. Many of our Airmen and family members will be away from their friends and loved ones during this holiday season. And, while the days ahead can be a time of great joy, they can also be a time of added stress. As you gather for special meals and other festivities over the holidays, please ensure that those who are alone and who live in the dorms are also included. And, check in with them from time-to-time to see how they're doing, and to let them know how much we all care for them. Happy holidays and many blessings in the New Year!