Late or Gone? Let your vote count using the FWAB
MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- The 2018 United States elections will be held mostly on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.
While 2018 is not a presidential election year, there are other races up for vote at the federal, state and local levels.
These races include 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, one-third of all U.S. Senators, 36 state governors and three U.S. territory governors. The vote will also be held for many city mayors.
As service men and women, and as civilians and taxpayers, your voice is important -- it's part of what we stand for as Americans: the freedom to vote!
If you're afraid you'll miss voting, don't be. There are ways to make your vote count, and it's easy.
If you're new to using a federal write-in absentee ballot, it is an alternative process of voting if you're overseas or you know your ballot will be late. In some states, the FWAB can also be used as a voter registration form and ballot -- though check online to see if your state participates.
When do you need it and where do you get it?
If you are a registered voter, and you have requested your absentee ballot by your state's deadline but have not received the ballot within 30 days of the election, the Federal Voting Assistance Program says to submit the FWAB.
The website has an online FWAB assistant to walk you through the form. Select your state from the drop-down menu and choose, "Get My Ballot Now" or "Get My Backup Ballot." Fill it out, print, sign and submit to your local election office.
Go to to find your state or local election office website and there you can find more information.
For help with any voting needs, please contact Michael Primo or Ashley Smith at the Installation Voting Assistance Office at 731-2786.
If you wish to speak with them in person, the office is located in the Airman and Family Readiness Center in building 800 or by email at