Air Force NSPS update released

WASHINGTON --  The Air Force has deployed more than 39,000 employees to the National Security Personnel System. When fully implemented, NSPS will cover more than 128,000 Air Force employees and affect civilian employees, civilian supervisors and military members who supervise civilian employees.

The Air Force completed its first appraisal cycle under NSPS in October 2006. Pay pools were held for covered employees in December 2006 and first payouts were made in January 2007.

"We are pleased with our progress and will continue to make adjustments where necessary," said Brig. Gen. K.C. McClain, director of force management policy. "We are already seeing a return on our investment with greater communication between employees and supervisors, people talking about results and mission alignment, and increased flexibility in rewarding performance."

On May 18, the U.S. Court of Appeals decided AFGE (American Federation of Government Employees) vs. Gates (formerly Rumsfeld), ruling in favor of DOD. A summary of the findings are:

- The court rejected the unions' challenge on NSPS labor relations.

- The court found that the manner in which NSPS was designed and implemented provided appropriate due process and employee protections.

- Since DOD hasn't implemented the adverse actions and appeals portions of the NSPS regulations, the ruling permits DOD to do so, but leaves open the possibility that the unions can challenge portions of these regulations once applied to DOD employees. The court also noted that the extensive review process in the appeals regulations "easily qualifies as fair treatment."

- The injunction remains in place until the court issues a mandate to implement the decision, normally done 45 days after decision rendered.

The unions filed a petition for review from the full Court of Appeals July 2. The injunction will remain in place until further notice.

Air Force officials currently are preparing for the next NSPS deployments. Spiral 2.1b is scheduled for October 2007 and will allow 'catch-up' for installation officials who have identified employees who need to be converted. Spiral 2.2e is scheduled for March 2008 and is scheduled to bring in Air National Guard employees. Future spirals will be identified as implementation plans firm.

"NSPS is critical to supporting the Air Force national security mission," said Ms. B. J. Barger, deputy director of force management policy. "The NSPS personnel management flexibilities are needed, given the Air Force's role in preparing for and responding to ever-changing national security threats."

At Malmstrom. The NSPS point of contact is Mike Bailey. He is available to answer questions and provide direction. Call him at 731-2102 or e-mail him at

For more information on NSPS, additional resources are provided:
- NSPS 101 (located at is an online training course that provides information about conversion, job classification, performance management, compensation, merit promotion, and workforce shaping. 

- iSuccess is an online training course in writing SMART job objectives and self-assessments. Both are available from the DOD Web site (located at and from the AF Advanced Distributed Learning Service (located at An ADLS account is needed to access this site. 

- The Air Force NSPS Web site (located at provides Air Force-specific NSPS content. From this site you can also subscribe to the NSPS Newsletter and read previous newsletters. 

- The DOD NSPS Web site (located at contains DOD-produced NSPS material. Individuals can sign up for automatic e-mail alerts of updates to this site. 

- The Civilian Personnel Management Service HR-Bits Division (located at site provides information on NSPS data system functionality. 

- The NSPS Readiness Tool ( located at contains all Program Executive Office-developed NSPS training materials. All NSPS POCs and trainers are allowed access to this site and must request access through their major command NSPS Office. 
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