Customer service at MACH speed

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- After a successful test at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., the Air Force Personnel Center here is providing personal assistance to officials in the field through the new Management Advisory Clearing House program.

"The 30-day test, which went from November through December 2006, was a great success," said Col. James Sturch, director of civilian force integration at AFPC.

The MACH is a program with a primary goal of increasing customer service between AFPC and the people at base-level trying to fill personnel positions. The Peterson test validated the "customer first" concept.

MACH teams now speak directly with their customers to help them fill job vacancies and provide personal assistance during the hiring process. It hasn't always been that way.

"Managers became frustrated when they couldn't talk to a person about the status of a vacancy," Colonel Sturch said. "They sent their fill requests to AFPC via e-mail and got them sent back when they were wrong. There was no verbal feedback or discussion about the process."

The MACH program remedies that problem and is now the 'face' of AFPC to the hiring managers in the field, according to Rob Thomas II, AFPC executive director.

MACH also saves time. During the 30-day test period, MACH saved 300 mandays, a tremendous accomplishment. Now that the MACH has gone Air Force-wide, even more substantial savings can be expected.

MACH teams are broken out by major commands, with each base within a MAJCOM having its own dedicated team at AFPC. There are some growing pains, naturally, Colonel Sturch said, but the system is built with the customer in mind. So far, 81 percent of those who responded to a recent survey concerning MACH indicated satisfaction with the system.

The idea for all this came partially thanks to a demonstration called "Life of an RPA," according to Cassandra Howard, Personnel Service Delivery Transformation Team MACH team chief here. "Our staff had prepared five demos that we presented to visitors," she said. "These demos were devised to last an hour or less. The first was on 'Management Advisory.' Colonel Sturch asked to see them, so he came down and we started presenting them to him. More than two hours later, we were still on the first demo! Colonel Sturch realized how valuable our work was, but also how impersonal it was because there were no verbal discussions between AFPC and the managers in the field. His concerns from that demo, his ideas and our brainstorming helped develop the MACH concept.

"When we first instituted the test program," she said, "managers at base level were shocked when they got to speak to a real person. They loved the personal touch and were grateful for the opportunity to discuss recruitments strategies, get updates on their recruitment, explanations on the priority placement program and any other issues involving their recruitment action. The new MACH concept also afforded managers the opportunity to fix any mistakes in the RPA without having to resubmit the whole package. The MACH concept has made the whole process more personal."

"This new process basically tracks an RPA from cradle to grave," said Ed Reeder, 341st Mission Support Squadron civilian personnel officer. "The staff here stands ready to assist anyone needing civilian personnel support, as we always have. The introduction of the MACH just gives supervisors who've requested a fill action another option for information."

MACH teams at AFPC have different phone numbers and support different commands. For more information, call one of the numbers listed here:

-- Air Force Material Command and the Air Force District of Washington, call DSN 665-1065, or commercial (210) 565-1065;

-- Air Education and Training Command, Air Force Recruiting Service, Air Force Academy and Air National Guard, call DSN 665-3035, or commercial (210) 565-3035;

-- Air Force Space Command, Air Force Special Operations Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency, call DSN 665-1191, or commercial 565-1191; or

-- U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Pacific Air Forces and Air Combat Command, call DSN 665-3036, or commercial (210) 565-3036.
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