Acting SECAF Donley shares his perspective with Airmen

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., -- The U.S. Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do will remain in place, said Acting Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley during his first visit to an Air Force base since being named to the position. 

In a candid town-hall style meeting with members of Air Force Space Command, Mr. Donley directly addressed the position he finds himself in as the newly appointed Acting Secretary of the Air Force, effective about two weeks ago. 

"We are working through the issues confronting the Air Force," he said, referring to the nuclear enterprise issues and others that caused his predecessor to resign. "We need to build back inner confidence in our Air Force and we need to rebuild our credibility." 

Mr. Donley outlined three perspectives he brings to this position based on his previous experience. 

"The first thing you will get from me is 'jointness,'" he said. "The Air Force is one part of a big team." 

He outlined some of the ways the Air Force contributes to the ongoing joint fight in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror both in the United States and around the world. 

"I know the Air Force is contributing lots of mission sets and capabilities, and it is an impressive array, I can tell you," said Mr. Donley.

A related theme is the support to the Global War on Terrorism. 

"This is a priority for this Air Force," he said. "We have over thirty thousand Airmen deployed around the world engaged in the Global War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan." 

One of his first acts upon appointment was to visit Walter Reed Hospital and speak with wounded Airmen. From this visit he gained an appreciation of their sacrifices and inspiration from them as well, as these warfighters all expressed their desire to heal quickly and get back in the fight. He also recognized those who stand behind and support the people on the pointed end of the spear. 

His third theme is the welfare of Airmen. He explained that the Air Force is a technology-driven service, but it's most important asset is the knowledge, experience and commitment of the people who make it all work to support the warfighter. 

"The welfare of our Airmen is very important to me, and I will try to strike the best balance in the Air Force budget between equipment needs and our people," said Mr. Donley. 

After addressing his overall concerns, Mr. Donley spoke to the issue closest to AFSPC right now. 

"The Air Force's credibility has been tarnished, and we need to rebuild it," he said. "The Air Force leadership needs to develop a roadmap for the nuclear enterprise to put us on the right track for stewardship of the nuclear mission that the defense establishment and the American people expect from us. 

"There is no quicker route to recovery than the power of tens of thousands of Airmen and civilians rededicating themselves to the high standards of excellence that have always been the hallmark of the world's best Air Force," he said.

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