Humvee skid monster training offered

MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- Before a member of Team Malmstrom can receive their government driver's license they must go through the Skid Monster Driver's Course. This lesson, conducted with a Government owned vehicle, is designed to familiarize new members with Montana winter driving conditions.

Recently, a new level of skid monster training was implemented to focus on the Humvee. The most critical driving done here involves Humvees traveling outside of the gate, sometimes in extreme weather.

The initial skid monster training gives the trainee experience in handling typical vehicles, but doesn't accurately simulate Humvee driving conditions said Staff Sgt. Eric Tryan, 341st Security Support Squadron training instructor.

"This course is a lot better than the regular skid monster training at replicating some of the challenges Airmen may face during missions," said Senior Airman Gini Paccione, 341st SSPTS training instructor.

The new Humvee system, valued at $85,000, is designed to remove traction from the front or rear wheels of the vehicle, to simulate icy road conditions. Controlled by a hand-held device manned by the passenger instructor, the traction can be distributed to either end of the Humvee to imitate slick, gravel, snowy or zero-traction icy road conditions.

"Malmstrom Air Force Base is the only wing in Air Force Global Strike Command to train and operate Skid Humvees," said Lt. Col. Darryl Terrell, 341st Missile Wing chief of safety. "The new training system is an example of how the Air Force and industry partnered to deploy next generation safety systems with a goal of reducing traffic mishaps in the field. The wing has six skid Humvee instructors who have been charged with ensuring defenders in the 341st Security Forces Group have the right training and are equipped with the right tools to maintain control of their Humvees when in situations that cause loss of traction."

Col. Robert Mendenhall, 341st Security Forces Group commander, visited the training course Feb. 2, to experience the advantages of the new Humvee system.

"The idea behind this new system came from a brainstorm session where we looked at the lightweight vehicle training that we had available versus the heavy vehicles and we needed a way to replicate what we actually drive in the missile fields," Mendenhall said.

Mendenhall rode in the backseat of the Humvee while 341st SSPTS training instructors Staff Sgt. Eric Tryan, and Senior Airman Gini Paccione, explained the course and the importance of developing confidence and skill among the drivers. The instructors went over their normal routine of instructions and gave tips on avoiding over corrections, body posture, situational awareness, the art of feather braking and other helpful insights while driving on harsh surfaces.

The goal of this course is to transform the student from a reactive to a proactive driver.

"The importance of this course is safety, safety, safety," Mendenhall said. "Whether it's Security Forces, Maintenance or the Op's Group, we can't complete the mission if we can't get there safely and this course builds on that foundation."

The Humvee skid monster training course is mandatory for any member who will be commuting to and from the missile complex. The program is divided into two phases.

Phase one consists of members going through a brief driving course in the regular skid monster vehicle.

Phase two is for members who will be handling Humvees off base. This part of the course is intended to build muscle memory of safe driving actions and vigilance within the driver.

Many members have gone through the course in its few weeks of existence and have provided positive feedback. The focus of this training is to prevent major and minor accidents during inclement weather.

The drivers that complete these instructions develop confidence and become more situational aware while conducting Malmstrom's most critical operations.

Members should be focused on the mission at hand and not be nervous or unconfident about transportation conditions, Tyran said. This course builds on the foundation of safety, and constructs security within the driver.

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