MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- Sometimes as military families we think of ourselves as temporary tenants of our local area because of the nature of the duty assignment rotational cycle; but institutionally, we hope to make enduring impacts beyond the temporary timeline assigned by the military service to any given location.
When I arrived in Great Falls, Montana, I did not know what to expect. I was largely operating off assumptions. I wanted to gain an understanding of my surroundings and get a better feel for my new community as quickly as possible.
After listening to stories from local civic organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, public schools, emergency services agencies, business organizations, there is an abundance of opportunity to accelerate discussion, develop partnerships and create prospects for change. Leveraging those resources to strengthen our community partnerships will surely pay huge dividends as we move into the future.
Great Falls, like much of the country right now, struggles with labor and supply shortages, a scarcity of reasonably-priced childcare and affordable housing options. We need to come together and deliver progress, insights and shared solutions. To address mutual challenges, we need to look for ways to partner and align. Malmstrom and the Montana community work hand-in-hand in other ways already. As an example, our on-base fire department has 48 mutual aid agreements across Montana to offer assistance in times of emergent need.
In an effort to alleviate the labor and child-care shortages, we are launching the Malmstrom Works initiative. It is a hiring campaign to make people aware of job opportunities at Malmstrom as well as partnering with the community to address this shared concern. One initiative includes the Great Falls Job Jamboree 3-6 p.m. May 4 at Paris Gibson Education Center.
Malmstrom depends on people both inside and outside the gates to achieve our mission. To run programs like the community pool and bowling alley relies on an ability to actively recruit new teammates. Without proper manning and an active customer base, these services are at risk of reduction and even closure. Malmstrom Works is designed to make finding jobs on base easier and more accessible.
The importance of a shared sense of belonging, commitment and strengthening partnership can overcome challenges, discover opportunities, navigate difficult and uncertain futures and build mutual understanding.
As people step up and step into challenges, issues become smaller and more manageable. Whether at an organizational level or an individual one, opportunity exists to be effective, and where action and the right connections occur, impacts can be lasting. We just need to reach out to each other and take the next step. There are many opportunities to serve at Malmstrom. Check out Malmstrom Works to see if there is a job that works for you.
For more information about opportunities available at Malmstrom, visit