Save the date: Malmstrom to host Open House July 13-14 Published Feb. 1, 2019 341st Missile Wing Public Affairs MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- Malmstrom Air Force Base is hosting the 2019 Montana Military Open House, “Mission Over Malmstrom”, July 13 and 14. The event is free and open to the public. The military open house showcases the innovations and capabilities of the Air Force for the last 80 years, as well as 341st Missile Wing’s service to the nation and the Montana community. Several acts are scheduled to perform such as the Golden Knights, the U.S. Army Parachute Team, and strong man Mark Kirsch of “Man vs. impossible”. Attendees can also expect a variety of other performers as well as enjoy static displays, food and vendors. Additionally, guests will be able to tour several facilities such as the training Launch Facility, Missiles Procedures Trainer, Airpark and Museum to learn how Malmstrom maintains combat capability and supports mission readiness. More details will be provided as we continue to develop this exciting slate of performers and events. For more information or questions, contact the 341st Missile Wing Public Affairs at (406) 731-4050.