F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- The U.S. Senate confirmed Maj. Gen. Anthony J. Cotton for promotion to lieutenant general in the United States Air Force on Dec. 20, 2017.
"Maj. Gen. Anthony Cotton has served with distinction at F.E. Warren Air Force Base commanding the 20th Air Force in its vital strategic mission," said Sen. Mike Enzi [R-WY]. "I supported his promotion to lieutenant general with appreciation of the challenges he's faced and with an eye on those yet to come."
Cotton took command of 20th Air Force in November of 2015. He is scheduled to take command of Air University at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. Maj. Gen. Fred Stoss, Air Force Global Strike Command Director of Operations and Communications, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, will assume command of 20th AF during a change-of-command ceremony Jan. 26, 2018.
As the missile numbered air force for Air Force Global Strike Command, 20th Air Force is responsible for maintaining, securing, supporting and operating the Air Force’s 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles and providing an on-alert, combat-ready ICBM force to the President of the United States. The command is responsible for the nation’s three ICBM missile wings, one nuclear operations support wing and three geographically separated reporting units, totaling over 12,000 personnel.